Making new characters

Here are some characters I'm working on. It's fun for my wife and I to make up names and a personality. I want each kid to have a special reason why they chose that animal. Also to not be so serious. It's suppose to be funny/fun.

Tyler the Snake

Age: 6

Likes: A warm rock

Dislikes: Country music

Special Skill: Has a lisp

Fun Fact: Just because he has a lisp isn't he reason his Spirit Animal is a snake!!!

Dan the Dalmatian

Age: 6 in a quarter

Likes: Bottle Water

Dislikes: Getting out of the shower when it is cold out

Special Skill: Can tell which animal is white with black stripes or black with white stripes

Fun Fact: Color blind. As in only sees things as black or white/good or bad. No in-between.

Sammy the Fish

Age: 7

Likes: Long walks on the beach

Dislikes: Sand at the beach

Special Skill: Really good at sun bathing

Fun Fact: Sammy loves to ride his bike and kiss his grandma.

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